23 October 2008

How Time Flies..

It's been really long since I last blog.
A lot has happen in my life.
Let's see now.. memorable events like James & PeiLing's Wedding, Kok Hou & Chui Ling's Wedding, Patricia's performance as lead guitarist at yayasan sabah, another Pulau Tiga trip (this time overnight at survivors island and also learned the basic of fishing) with Fung and his family and coming soon mesilau trip with colleagues. Not forgetting my 1st 7KM sunset jog organize by Sutera Harbour and Borneo International Marathorn where I only join the 10KM run. It was great and I plan to join more of this kind of events in the future.

Some regrets like yogazone y-fitness that has gone bankrupt. Don't even have any new news. Aboandoned in City Mall and the bank keeps charging me every month.
That's about it about my life up till October 2008

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